
Wednesday 31 July 2019

How do you make a Pom Pom out of wool??? (AWESOME TUESDAY PROJECT)

Hi bloggers! Today I am going to be talking to you about another one of our AWESOME TUESDAY PROJECT'S. Today we are working on some Pom Pom or Sowing, I am making Pom Pom's. So lets get into it.

I am going to be telling you what the steps are to making a Pom Pom.1 - Get 2 bits of carboard the same cicrle shape.2- Get some wool.3 - After you have the wool you need to put the bits of carboard togther and wrap the wool arond the carboard.4 - put string in the middle of the 2 bits of card.5 - pull the bits of carboard out of that the boom you have this.
I had fun with this because we got to choise what we could do. BYE BLOGGERSSSSS

Friday 26 July 2019

Awesome Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms and Homophones WORK!!

Hi bloggers. Today I am going to be talking to you about Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms and Homophones. These are different types of things you can use in your writing for extra effect. If you enojoy my online DLO drop a comment so I know what I did good, and what I could do better next time with. I made this DLO because I think I might teach some of you guys out there something new you guys basically enspired me to do a blog post on this!

The best part about this workbook was without doubt the word search. BYE BLOGGERS!!!

Friday 5 July 2019

How do we find out the HARDEST maths songs and slides.

Hi Bloggers, Today I am going to be talking to you about some songs that we watched and had to figure  out some problems. First of all if we wanted to do it we had to complete our other maths slides. This maths slide was fun because we got to listen to REALLY COOL maths songs, then we had to figure out what the awnsers were. What the people did was sing songs and ask cool maths questions in them then we had to figure them out. This was also fun because I got to do it with my Best Friend Thom and we are both good at maths, we did it pretty fast.

While we were doing this I learnt that I can work with Thom really well and not work bad with my Best Friend. Also I learnt that if you want to find out something you use a calculator so that you can get ten right or wrong if you get ten right that means that the problem is true nor false. Also I learnt that if you write things down it makes it easier :) When you try and to it in your head you can't remember it that easy. Anyways that is about all I have for you Bloggers I hope you could drop a comment on what I could do better next time BYE ZACK.

Musical Maths Problem Number 1

Musical Maths Problem Number 2
Musical Maths Problem Number 3 
Musical Maths Problem Number 4 
Musical Maths Problem Number 5 
Musical Maths Problem Number 6